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- Entrepreneur lifestyle beginners guide on how to 10x your Focus & time management
Entrepreneur lifestyle beginners guide on how to 10x your Focus & time management
Productivity isn't about how you manage your time it's more so about how you run your mind

Productivity isn't about how you manage your time it’s more so about how you use your mind.
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
Every once in a while, a client will comes to me and says something like this: "Deano, I've got so much to do but so little time.
I really don’t know where all my time disappears. Can you help me? Can you make me into a world-class High-performance machine? Can you, huh? Can you? Huh? Huh?"
Well, they won’t say those exact words however you got the point.
Strangely enough, the answer is yes. Sort of. At least, I can give a "qualified yes" answer to such a question.
Actually, I may not be able to make someone "world-class" Productive, but I can almost certainly make such a person 10x more productive and efficient than anyone he or she is likely to be able to know.
Providing, of course, that the person in question has at least an inch of talent and, much more importantly, the ability to follow directions and a growth mindset toward change.
Here's how I'd do it: If you were my client, the first thing I'd do is ask you a series of reflective questions like the ones below. To begin with, don’t just read get a pen and paper and answer the questions as If I’m coaching you.
Coaching Questions
When was a time in your life when you were the most productive? How did you get so much done?
Where do you feel you are not being productive enough in life - in your personal life and why? In your professional life and why?
What do you feel is most important in your mission right now? Are you moving toward it at the pace you want?
What 3 words describe you when you are at your absolute best? Do you feel like you are doing those practices that make you most successful?
What distractions or competing interests seem to keep you from getting more done, and how could you minimize them?
Now at this point without a doubt, we can stop here and you’ll have absolute clarity of what you’ll need to do to 10x your productivity but the goal is the make you world-class.
So Here’s what we’ll do next. We will work through the High-Performance productivity planner template I use with all my top clients below.
Productivity Planner temples
Project #1:____________
(What’s a project you are working on right now?)
(Please for something to be called a project it must have a task, a deadline, people, and a clear outcome)
What are the 5 things I must do to move this project forward?
(Pro-tip: Use action words when listing these. Eg. Write, walk, build, etc)
1. People I need to reach out to today.
(List the people you have to reach out to today no matter what:)
2. People I’m waiting on.
(List the people whom you need something to move forward:)
The main things you must complete today, no matter what.
List the priorities and to-dos that must be accomplished today and DO these before getting trapped in your inbox and other people’s agendas.
You should have felt accomplished up to this point. now that the easy part is over let’s now move on the the fun stuff.
Time Blocking
“Block Time” is a focus-management approach that requires “blocking out” significant amounts of time to advance or complete a major project in your life.
Time blocking only ever make sense when you get clear on a major project and schedule real-time to leap towards it.
Most people end up scrolling through social media with their block of time because they lack clarity of what specifically they should be working on.
Spend some time answering the questions and planning your block time for your project listed above.
The reason this project is important and I’m committed to it is...
If I’m ever going to mark this project complete, I’d have to make these things my priority...
A block of time I’m going to dedicate to this project is... (can be a daily block of time, or a block of time that is several days or weeks long where you focus on nothing else but the project, like writing a book over the next two weeks).
To create the reality where I will have this much block time to complete the project, I will need to make these adjustments in my life...
There you have it. Now rinse and repeat the entire process with project #2. As Robin Sharma said; “Time management isn’t about what you do with your time it’s about how you run your time.
Next Week, we’ll explore more lifestyle tips and tricks to keep you at your best.
Until then, reply to this email and let me know what major insight you got from this. I’d love to hear from you.
Let’s get it let’s goh🚀
❤️Deano Delpleash
Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you: |
1. Entrepreneur LifeStyle Mapping session: Get Access to me 1:1 to gain even more clarity in applying these blueprints. During this 90-minute session, we will outline an Entrepreneur Lifestyle blueprint that's specifically designed for you. We'll craft your client strategy, Pricing strategy, and Content strategy then create a 90-day productivity sprint for you to implement the entire blueprint. |
2. One Client Challenge: Join my 5-day client challenge and get your first paying client in 5 days. |
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