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- The #1 things the messes most Entrepreneurs up that no one's talking about
The #1 things the messes most Entrepreneurs up that no one's talking about
"I have so much to do but so little time" Sounds familiar? let's dive in...

There I was on the 7th floor, my entire life ahead of me, but feeling overwhelmed by it all”
Dear friend and subscriber,
You ever feel like that?
You’ve got an energy problem on your hands and you got to solve it right away!
Listen: I coach high-performing entrepreneurs almost daily who think they have a time management problem when they’re actually drained of energy.
They’re not professional athletes and they don’t know their biceps from their calves. They don’t like using a calendar and they don’t have the luxury of enough time to become grounded in the fundamentals of doing a bench press.
In fact, they have no desire to go to the gym. It’s just that every time they’ve tried they end up giving up leaving them disappointed so to avoid that feeling they won’t even try again.
And since you are still reading I know you must be wondering…” What should I do?”
Take it one imperfect step at a time
Here’s what I mean
look: If you have clarity of who you are and where you want to go with your life there’s no need to be in a hurry about it. You have probably already written down your goals and have a clear plan of action to achieve them all. Whether you have documented this in a digital planner or a cute notebook it doesn’t matter; my bet is you know exactly what you want and why you must achieve your goals.
Am I right? Aha, I thought so.
However, here’s a curious fact: Most people who have clarity of their ambitious goals, vision, and dreams “lack structure” struggle with “execution” and are often “burnt out” as a result.
Or else they struggle to apply “the latest productivity hack”
Forget that rubbish. Here’s a better way. The first thing you must do is make sure you read and apply the learning from my Entrepreneur Lifestyle Beginners guide on how to 10x your time management if you haven’t already. Make sure you answer all the questions and use the productivity planner template I’ve provided, then come back here. Why? The reason is simple. You see, when your vision has structure it’s like shining light through a magnifying glass. This creates focus and focus creates progress.
Or you’ll simply feel less overwhelmed.
And If you keep practicing this productivity habit long enough, it will eventually become second nature and you won’t even have to ask yourself the questions and use the planner. This more organized way of being will naturally become you.
And hopefully, after a while, we’ll have you checking those goals off your bucket list like wildfire in the dry season.
Goody. But what's next? This: What we do next is create your signature energy system protocol to install the habits you’ll need to stay energized, and motivated and have an abundance of energy and vitality each day to increase your business and lifestyle efficiency.
O.K., now this is where you get pen and paper so that I can ask you some tough questions. Remember there’s no right or wrong answer here, these are only designed to help you find your emotional truth.
Ready? Let’s get started:
In the last 3 months, how have you felt energetically in terms of your mental and physical vibrancy? Why do you think that is so?
Tell me about a time when you felt your mental energy and physical vibrancy were at their best. How did that feel and what was going on then?
In the areas of nutrition, exercise, wellness, and sleep, what habits do you have that are supporting your energy and health?
What routines do you have for recharging daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly? What would make you feel more vibrant?
Are there any areas of your life that are particularly stressful or draining energetically? If so, what are you doing for stress management?
What would you take on or try to achieve if you had 3x more energy overall?
If you become more committed to your optimal health, what would you immediately start doing and stop doing?
If you’ve just answered these questions honestly I know that you know exactly what you need to do right now however, you might still be thinking.
I have so much to do but still so little time.
First, take a few deep breaths and remember why it’s important for you to achieve your goals without burning out. Yeah, That’s right.
O.K Let’s get to the good stuff.
To help you integrate your insight from today’s learning, below I’ll provide you with your energy checklist.
To feel energized and vibrant each day we all know we have to take care of our physical body, but what is common sense isn't always common practice when it comes to our health.
Below are simple ideas that when practiced each day can sum up to a dramatic increase in your overall energy. Choose 3 of these items (1 from each category)to do more consistently every day until they become a habit.
These are general recommendations and you should always Consult your Doctor or trained health advisor before making any change to your diet, health plan, and lifestyle.
Rest & Exersize
Walk outside every day for at least 30 minutes.
Sleep 8-9 hours per night. If you miss that target, nap or meditate during the day to catch up.
Do two 60-minute cardio activities per week. (As always, consult your doctor or health advisor and do what is appropriate for your health and fitness levels).
Do two 20-40-minute intense workouts per week (strength-based or high-intensity training).
Meditate once or twice per day for 15-20 minutes if you are new to meditation, search “headspace” on YouTube. Also, try the Headspace and Calm apps.
Diet & Nutrition
Eat a whole food diet heavy in organic plant-based foods.
Try a kale or spinach salad for lunch or dinner for 30 days.
An absolute must: Get tested for food allergies.
Take a food-based multivitamin and vitamin D, magnesium, a B-complex, and Omega-3. See your nutritionist for additional supplementation needs.
Drink healthy shakes for breakfast or snacks.
Drink 3-6 liters per water per day and avoid all sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine (green tea is okay).
Limit white starches and heavily processed breads/ carbs. Avoid white bread, croissants, potato chips, muffins, etc
Daily Energizing
Every 50-75 minutes, stand up, move, and stretch. As an example, try:
20 arm crosses
20 arm circles for each arm
40 knee-highs (marching in place)
20 seconds patting your lower back
10 deep breaths while bouncing in place
Focus on speaking and gesturing with passion. Stay standing more often.
Hug and engage others physically more often. Try to make people smile or laugh more often. Focus on being present.
Keep a gratitude journal and send an appreciative email or text every day.
Now listen: I want you to know something. It is this: Did you think that creating an “energy system” was a bit too simple? if so, you are doing yourself a great disservice. You see, if you can grasp the essence of what I’ve just imparted, you will have learned an enormously important entrepreneur lifestyle lesson.
Here is that lesson:
Forget Trying To
Be Creative!
Forget Trying To
Be Clever!
Stop Worrying About
fancy protocols and V02 max!
Listen to me: Your job is not to be creative, clever, or fancy. No. Your Job is to Feel and perform at your best, dawn it.
This means your job is to do it imperfectly perfect. Got it? Let’s get it!
Next Week, we’ll explore more lifestyle tips and tricks to keep you at your best.
Until then, sleep well, and live well!
Let’s get it let’s goh🚀
❤️Deano Delpleash
Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you: |
1. Entrepreneur LifeStyle Mapping session: Get Access to me 1:1 to gain even more clarity in applying these blueprints. During this 90-minute session, we will outline an Entrepreneur Lifestyle blueprint that's specifically designed for you. We'll craft your client strategy, Pricing strategy, and Content strategy then create a 90-day productivity sprint for you to implement the entire blueprint. |
2. One Client Challenge: Join my 5-day client challenge and get your first paying client in 5 days. |
And by the way, check my best-performing post on Linkedin this week: